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Raja rajeswari tanneru

raja rajeswari tanneru

Kyzas (International Hellenic University, Greece), and Dr.

raja rajeswari tanneru

Kaushik Pal (Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Prof.

  • " Green nanoarchitectonics: Sustainable trends in nanotechnology".
  • Motakatla Venkateswer Reddy (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Velu Manikandan (Gachon University, Republic of Korea), and Dr. Karuppiah Ponmurugan (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia), Dr. Plalanoivel Velmurugan (Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, India), Prof.
  • " Use of magnetic resonance in profiling bioactive metabolites and its applications".
  • Johannes Reichl (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria) Ravi Samikannu (Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Botswana), and Dr. Srete Nikolovski (University of Osijek, Croatia), Dr. Yuvaraja Teekaraman (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), Dr.
  • " Future technology to improve the performance in electrochemical conversion and storage system".
  • Mert Atilhan (Western Michigan University, USA) Santiago Aparicio (University of Burgos, Spain) and Prof.
  • " Recent advances in deep eutectic solvents: Fundamentals and applications".
  • NEW submission deadline: October 30, 2021 Gianvito Vilé (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
  • " Flow chemistry and microreaction technologies for circular processes".
  • Research Article, Review Article, Mini-Review, Rapid Communication, Book Review, Editorial, Erratum
  • Flow chemistry, microreaction technology and microfluidicsĬhemicals from biomass: biofuels and intermediates.
  • Green Processing and Synthesis provides a platform for scientists and engineers, especially chemists and chemical engineers, but is also open for interdisciplinary research from other areas such as physics, materials science, or catalysis. The contributions are cutting edge, high-impact, authoritative, and provide both pros and cons of potential technologies. Green Processing and Synthesis is an open access, single-blind peer-reviewed journal that provides up-to-date research both on fundamental as well as applied aspects of innovative green process development and chemical synthesis, giving an appropriate share to industrial views.

    Raja rajeswari tanneru